Here at Cornell we love working with creative clients so when Ulster Carpets approached us to bring a brand new carpet range to life we couldn’t wait to get started.

Ulster Carpets are an international trendsetter when it comes to carpet with designs adorning some of the most exclusive hotels, casinos and residencies on both land and sea. Following on from the successful branding of their nature inspired Terraen range, Ulster Carpets once again approached Cornell to bring a new range to life.
- Brand identity for a new range and the 6 individual contemporary designs.
- POS including product folders and brochures
- Animations for social media

Armed with a well written brief (and samples of the new range) we were approached to start the process of name generation and brand creation for an eclectic contract range designed exclusively to meet the varied demands of the international hospitality industry.
The initial naming process was a challenge as we grappled with various options that would capture the inspiration of six contemporary designs and 21 colourways that were guaranteed to complement any commercial setting. We unanimously decided on “Vescent”, shortened from the term “effervescent” which captured the reactive process and energy release that inspired the organic and structured designs.
After settling on a uniquely created and distinctive font for “Vescent” we turned our attentions to brand creation for the six designs – Linea, Arbor, Nebula, Calx, Vapor and Nexus. The collection of three structured and three organic designs lead to the creation of six very different logos each designed to capture the essence of the individual range designs. Each was smart, modern, unique and of course stylish. Once we had the collection branded we turned our attentions to the launch material.

We used our wealth of print knowledge to design and develop a unique brochure and product folders that would house both design swatches and collection brochure for sales purposes. Once all the elements were in place we developed a collection of eye-catching graphics and short animated features which were teased and released into the market in a timely fashion to ultimately help Ulster win the Creative Marketing Initiative Award at the 2019 Wool Carpet & Rug Awards.